We empower baristas through online training
We empower baristas through online training
Quality you can trust
Quality you can trust
100% built and taught by award-winning champions. Produced by a team of experts with your needs in mind.
Quality Education for Everyone
Since 2020, we've pursued numerous aspects in the coffee industry one-by-one. Doing so, we also recognized the importance of depth of knowledge and a breadth of knowledge.
This led us to launch an online education platform that offers high quality coffee education from the world's best.
Rich and In-depth Course Content
People, including yourself, have access to a lot of information in the modern world. While helpful, it can sometimes be confusing with conflicting information or frustrating with fragmented knowledge.
Community and Support Group
We are committed to creating and continuously improving effective learning methods.
A complete built-in community allows you to connect with your fellow peers. Ask questions or share knowledge - be a part of our community.
What our learners say
What our learners say
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